Written Confession: Image Appears to Show Black Helicopters Escorting a UFO in Indiana
The following written confession and image were submitted via email: I’m an avid listener/viewer of your podcast and films and wanted to share a short story and photo my mother took. I took a vacation day last month on 10/20 and my family drove about 45 minutes south to my in-laws’ place. When driving down Indiana Hwy 63 near Newport, I saw a group of helicopters to the east…
Written Confession: The Neighbor in the Hallway
The following written confession was submitted via email: I saw the woman who used to live in the flat below standing in my hallway when I was around 4 or 5. She used to come up to our flat to escape her abusive husband (he also used to terrorise my mother years after this he had a knife to her throat in front of me one time)…
Written Confession: Recurring Nightmare of an Invisible Man in a Dressing Gown
The following written confession was submitted via email: From the age of 4 to 8 years, I and my family lived in a small rural village in North Wales … I'm not sure of the age of the building but I would guess at least 50-60 years when we were there in the early 80s. During our time there we were happy but I experienced a persistent recurring nightmare … Each time the dream was identical and vividly real, in that the place was exactly as it appears and feels in real life and there was none of the usual hazy dream weirdness…
Written Confession: A Fiery Premonition in a Hellish Dream
The following written confession was submitted via email: …When I was 17, I left home, found a job and a flat share back in London, but I would come home to my mums the odd weekend. This particular time I came home in the Friday, & I went to bed in my old room. That night I had a very vivid and terrifying nightmare…
Written Confession: A Glimpse of the Girl in the TV Screen
The following written confession was shared online: When I was about 12 during a summer, my sister who is 5 years older than me was out with friends after work. We shared a bedroom. I was up late, doodling in a notebook in bed and had an older, glass tv next to my bed that was turned off. At one point I looked up and saw (in the reflection of the tv screen) my sister walk out of our bedroom doorway and into the stairwell. When I turned around to greet her, she wasn’t there….
Written Confession: Jurassic Park Dinosaur Sighting in England
The following written confession was submitted via email: …maybe we were all just being paranoid, but we all got a similar feeling that we were being watched. After about five minutes of walking through the dense woodland, one of my friends said that he had seen movement in the distance. He pointed forward, and to all our shock, there in plain sight, we laid eyes on the strangest, most obscure creature we had ever seen…
Written Confession: The Haunted Apartment in Albuquerque
The following written confession was submitted via email: …We had moved our stuff in and after that and my first night there I stayed alone. I was big into video games at the time and on my first night there I hooked up my game system made myself comfortable started playing. Well as I was sitting there for about 30 minutes I had the feeling that someone was standing by my left shoulder…
Written Confession: Dreaming and Waking Up To a Reptilian Demon
The following written confession was submitted via email: So when I was 12 my grandma on my moms side passed away and I was really upset I didn’t get to say my goodbyes because she got lung cancer from smoking that hit really hard and fast and was not really conscious in the hospital. When I was about 24 one night I had a dream I was in my grandparents old house where we always went for holidays….
Written Confession: Slithering Shadow Snake Blows Away in the Wind
The following written confession was submitted via email: …I walked out the front door and noticed to my right a deep black smoky snake looking thing and it was sitting/arching upright on the right side of the window and looked like it was looking into the kitchen window. It was less than 10 feet away from me…
Written Confession: Portal or UAP? Crafts Emerge From Bright White Light in the Sky
The following written confession was submitted via email: Around 2015, 2016 I lived in Angels Camp California, and was getting ready to walk my dog with my neighbors and we saw a bright light in the sky above the mountain behind Angels Camp. The bright light was blinking and it was the brightest light that I’ve ever seen…
Written Confession: Mobster's Bloody Ghost Haunts Las Vegas Hotel Room
The following written confession was originally shared via Reddit: I was staying in the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas (oldest property on the strip with a sordid mob history). In the middle of the night, I woke and saw a dark figure moving around the foot of my bed and coming up the gap between the twin beds….
Written Confession: Hairy Leaping Creature May Have Been a Dogman
The following written confession was submitted via email: I have a story where I saw something very unusual as a teen with my parents while driving on our country road. It was only a few seconds but I’ve never forgotten it…
Written Confession: Haunted By Holographic 'Rainbow People'
The following written confession was shared by username1987: This is the story of our 'rainbow people.' I was woken up at about 3 a.m. to the sound of footsteps in our bedroom. They were heavy, shuffling footsteps. I opened my eyes, expecting to see my husband returning from the bathroom, but there was someone else there instead….
Written Confession: A Roadside Nightmare
The following written confession was submitted online anonymously: This is my husband's story, but he won't speak of it anymore. He wants to forget it completely. So I'll tell the story. My husband and two of his cousins were driving late at night, coming back from the city. All of a sudden, their car broke down in farmland just before the dirt road that brings them home to the reserve. One of his cousins stood dead still, looking into the field, and asked them to come look….
Written Confession: The Musical Hearse of Joshua Tree
The following written confession was submitted via email: I was listening to your Tin Foil Hat episode yesterday with my husband and I felt compelled to reach out to you, as my husband had a very bizarre experience camping in Joshua Tree about 20 years ago…