Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Dogman, Written Confessions, Creepy Lindsay Merkel Dogman, Written Confessions, Creepy Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Pennsylvania Dogman at the Back Door

The following written confession was submitted via email: To put in perspective I’m from northwestern pa this happens yrs ago the first story I was with my grandmother who is this 4’11 full blooded sioux she always cranky and she’ll smack a smile off a grizzly well one night we were sitting at the table eating dinner mind you she liked her whiskey could drink everclear straight kind of women so as we’re sitting at the table we start hearing this weird like grunting sounds coming from the outside like a mixture of a dog an a pig…

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Dogman, Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Dogman, Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: A Night at the Children’s Cemetery in Massachusetts

The following written confession was shared via email: …I was drawn to and at the edge of the woods at this point when all of a sudden heard a low grumbling growl in the darkness. It was so dark and our phone flashlights wouldn't reach too far. I felt instant fear and an urgency to leave but I needed to know I had actually heard something so I walked away slowly back towards the group. But as I took just a couple steps away from the wood line I heard it again…

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Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Forest Dogman in Eastern France

The following written confession was submitted via Reddit: If I remember correctly it was the 2nd of May 2022 and as I said I was in the forest near the village of Giron to pick berries. I was alone there was no one around but it was not something strange because it's a very sparsely populated part of France. The thing that felt strange was the fact that I did not see any animals. No deer, no wild boars, no foxes. It was silent…

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Paranormal, Dogman, Mystery Lindsay Merkel Paranormal, Dogman, Mystery Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Shadow in the Cemetery

The following written confession was submitted via email: Long story short I had heard a local, old cemetery was guarded by a dogman. Me and my buddy went and snuck to the back where this dogman/cryptid was supposedly found. This cemetery has older gravesites at it from about the late 1800s in the back where we were. We had read it was found around the children's stones. On the walk there I'm looking in the tree line to my right and I see an odd silhouette…

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Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Dogman, Cryptids Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: East Tennessee Dogman Disappears After One Fired Shot

The following written confession was submitted via email: He and a friend were walking through a field in East Tennessee. They were finished with their hunt and it was near dark. As they were walking they noticed something walking toward them. As it got closer they could see it was what they described as a werewolf or dogman…

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Paranormal, Podcasting, Listen, Dogman Lindsay Merkel Paranormal, Podcasting, Listen, Dogman Lindsay Merkel

LISTEN: Blurry Creatures Episode 98 - Whereabouts of Werewolves with Tony Merkel

You can never talk too much about Dogman… Don’t miss the awesome Blurry Creatures Episode 98 - Whereabouts of Werewolves with Tony Merkel: We bring back veteran podcaster & freshly new documentarian Tony Merkel from The Confessionals Podcast to talk to us about his new film Expedition Dogman. The half-man and half-wolf creature is out there. From stories to these creatures terrorizing guests on his show to the mythical legends of these things appearing in people's homes, one thing is for certain, this creature is simply terrifying when seen…

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Dogman, Podcasting, Video Lindsay Merkel Dogman, Podcasting, Video Lindsay Merkel

VIDEO: TFH #547 - Dogman and Interdimensional Beings with Tony Merkel

DON’T MISS THIS ONE! Tony joins Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli on #547 - Dogman and Interdimensional Beings with Tony Merkel: Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome the Confessionals' Tony Merkel to the show for an all time banger about his documentary on hunting Dogman and some insanity involving interdimensional entities!

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Written Confession: Another Roof Walker Encounter in El Paso, Texas

The following written confession was submitted via email: I was listening to episode 95 roof walker with kasey. She didn’t mention what city/town in Texas she was from. I had an situation where “something” ran across my roof. Never found out what it was but I am also from a town in Texas near the Mexican border where Santa clause wears shorts and has an accent… Initially my heart dropped bc her story sounded familiar to mine. I lived in El Paso Texas with my older sister when I was around 17-18 years old. She worked 12 hour nights so I was home alone often….

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BLOG: Guest Post from Linda Godfrey - Michigan Dogman Goes for Children on Roof

"In my previous blog post, I shared the encounter of a Michigan man who was confronted by a wolf-like creature sitting on the roof of his house, watching him. In the following report, we will see that it may not be any comfort to an eyewitness to be the one sitting on the roof, as dogmen don’t appear to see that amount of height as any barrier. Tina Cole gave permission to use her name and a sketch that she drew. In her own words, only slightly edited:

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