VIDEO: Pennhurst State School - Paranormal Investigation, Part 1 & 2
Whether it’s the terrible and tragic history, or the creepy decrepit buildings that remain behind, there is something about Pennhurst Asylum in Spring City, Pennsylvania that never ceases to be (morbidly) fascinating. Check out a recent paranormal adventure from Phill from Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts as he investigates the haunted facility.
LISTEN: The Higherside Chats - Tony Merkel | The Confessionals: Cryptids, Portals, & the Paranormal
Tony recently joined The Higherside Chats - Tony Merkel | The Confessionals: Cryptids, Portals, & the Paranormal, and shared “a grab bag of high strangeness stories from his show”! Listen to the first hour of the episode for free!
BLOG: 13 MORE Strange and Surprising Objects That People Claim Are Haunted
Are you cursed with bad luck? Are you plagued by strange noises and creepy shadows? Your house may not be haunted - maybe something in it is! And what better time to explore the possibilities than on this dubious day of Friday the 13th?! From guitars, to armor, to Twilight (and way too many eBay listings in between), check out these 13 MORE strange and surprising objects that people claim are haunted!
LISTEN: Blurry Creatures Episode 98 - Whereabouts of Werewolves with Tony Merkel
You can never talk too much about Dogman… Don’t miss the awesome Blurry Creatures Episode 98 - Whereabouts of Werewolves with Tony Merkel: We bring back veteran podcaster & freshly new documentarian Tony Merkel from The Confessionals Podcast to talk to us about his new film Expedition Dogman. The half-man and half-wolf creature is out there. From stories to these creatures terrorizing guests on his show to the mythical legends of these things appearing in people's homes, one thing is for certain, this creature is simply terrifying when seen…
VIDEO: Tony Joins the Universal Dialect Show #4 - Tony Merkel!
If you’d like to hear 3 HOURS of paranormal talk, podcast projects, Expedition Dogman, and even more with Tony, check out the Universal Dialect Show #4: Tony Merkel! In this episode, #4, I speak to the self proclaimed "Dystopian Futurist" Tony Merkel of The Confessionals Podcast/Merkel Media. We tackle his origins into the Paranormal, the making of his enigmatic podcast "The Confessionals" and other projects past and present….
Written Confession: Remembering the Red-Eyed Hatman
The following written confession was submitted via email: This is a memory that has been with me for so long that I’m not sure if it is real or a dream. The facts that I do know align with this being a true story. I was unaware of the phenomena of “hatman” until somewhat recently when I went back to school and had to take a creative writing class. I wrote about this memory, and one of the people in class brought up “hatman.” I didn’t know so many other people had experiences similar to mine, so many that he has a name….
Written Confession: Glowing Green Orbs in the 'Green Tent Area'
The following written confession was submitted via email: I wanted to share with you an experience my older brother and I had back in the late 90's, I believe it was August of 1998 and I was 22, my brother was 37 at the time. We used to do our annual camping trip to the Florida Keys every summer back when I still lived in Florida . . . we always set up in the "Green tent area" as far away from other campers as possible in a wooded area not far from the beach . . .
Written Confession: She's Trying to Get Your Attention
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: Alright this is a quick story. My MIL is a very spiritual person. My husband has told me stories of paranormal stuff that happened in his childhood home his whole life. I didn’t really think anything of it until this particular stay. One night we are sleeping in his old bedroom. I have never really slept great there just because there’s always an uneasy feeling….
LISTEN: Hillbilly Horror Stories Episode 287 - Past Lives 4 & The Confessionals
Check it out! Tony joins Hillbilly Horror Stories Episode 287 - Past Lives 4 & The Confessionals: Jerry & Tracy discuss several cases of people who claim to have past life memories. Tony Merkel from The Confessionals podcast stops by for some great conversation.
BLOG: The Top 10 The Confessionals Podcast Episodes of 2021
The end is near - count down the end of 2021 with a replay of these TOP 10 THE CONFESSIONALS EPISODES OF 2021! Did your favorite episode take the top spot? Take a second (…or third or fourth…) listen to these amazing shows and THANK YOU for another year of listening!
VIDEO: Watch a Replay of The Confessionals Christmas Eve Special 2021 on YouTube
Merry (late) Christmas! If you were not able to catch our live Christmas Eve Special last week, a replay of the full show is available for viewing! For over four hours, we welcomed some excellent guests, gave away lots of prizes to say thanks to our TC members, and held a fundraiser for disaster relief for Kentucky. A huge THANK YOU goes out to all the podcasters who joined us in conversation, everyone who tuned in live to watch, and all those who were able to donate during the show!
LISTEN: Paranormal Portal S3 EP29 - The Confessions of Tony Merkel
Tune in to Paranormal Portal S3 EP29: The Confessions of Tony Merkel! On this episode of the Paranormal Portal Podcast, we welcome Tony Merkel, creator and host of the Confessionals and Hammer Lane Legends Podcasts. Tony and I have an incredible discussion about his phenomenal shows, his journey which brought him to doing the Confessionals and Hammer Lane Legends as well as some of his newer endeavors and so much more….
VIDEO: The Confessionals - Belief Hole Crossover Episode | Dogman Theory, Sky Creatures, UFOs and Bigfoot
What’s better than a paranormal podcast? Two paranormal podcasts! Don’t miss an awesome crossover episode featuring The Confessionals Podcast and Belief Hole Podcast, available now. Check out The Confessionals Crossover | Dogman Theory, Sky Creatures, UFOs and Bigfoot! | 3.18. Special thanks to Belief Hole for having Tony on the show!
BLOG: 10 Photos of Unexpected Ghosts and Entities Taken at Family Gatherings
Depending on your family, the holidays are a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends, or a real horror show. With Thanksgiving coming up and the December holidays not far behind, we’re taking a look at some photos from family events that really became something of a horror, after the pictures were found to contain some pretty scary uninvited guests. From an alleged demon’s animal face, to a disembodied hand, to a famous photograph that may not be what it seems, here are 10 Photos of Unexpected Ghosts and Entities Taken at Family Gatherings!
Written Confession: A Fleeting Encounter At a Haunted High School
The following written confession was submitted via email: Working at a haunted high school… This place has checked all the boxes for a haunted place. So this is one time I was actually scared out of the building. #1 I just got done sweeping a hallway and was crouched down sweeping stuff into a dustpan I saw movement out of the corner of my eye…