Written Confession: Hatman Terror in a Haunted House

The following written confession was submitted via email:

Lindsay’s episode about the hat man encounter just about made me fall out of my chair at work. I used to run in Fairview cemetery for cross county and I had a hatman experience where I grew up 5 minutes away in a 100+ year old house. It was between 2004-2007 (so I was between 4-7) I don’t remember exactly when.

But it was the same exact thing she described with the top hat and black shape of a man with a duster length coat. Blacker than the dark room. I woke up terrified one night and there he was in the corner next to/ in front of my bedroom door. Scared the absolute you know what out of me and still makes me tear up when I think about it. I only ever saw it once. But I was always afraid of the dark in that house and I had bizarre reoccurring dreams. The one I remember the most was red eyed antelope like creatures attempting to stampede onto the side of my bed. Not sure if you guys have ever heard of that one lol. That’s pretty much the extent of the story. But I wanted to reach out and add another to your long list of bizarre spiritual testimonies.


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